# PYE Auth **Mission**: Science compels us to create a microservice! This is the repository for my **JWT auth microservice assignment** with(out) blazingly fast cloud-native web3 memory-safe blockchain reactive AI (insert a dozen more buzzwords of your choosing) technologies. This should be done by **October 17th 2024**, or at the very least, in a shape that proves I am somewhat competent. ## Course of action How I currently see this going 1. Make an HTTP Basic Auth -> JWT -> Open key API 2. Create simple frontend (really stretching the definition) to test it 3. Ask myself and others - "Is this a microservice?" If the answer is yes, rejoice. If the answer is no, rejoice for a different reason. 4. Once it's technically solid-ish, polish ever-so-slightly ## "Technology stack" The technology I *intend* on using 1. **Data storage - SQLite**. Definitely want to avoid a full-sized DB because they're oversized for most projects. To be honest, even **JSON** would do for this. In fact, this might just be the way to go for the proof-of-concept, hm... 2. **Frontend - template/html module**. Duh, I am anti-bloat. 3. **HTTP routing - Chi**. I'd use `net/http`, but a deadline of 1 week means speed is everything.