2024-03-10 23:45:44 +03:00

167 lines
5.9 KiB

local api = {}
api.symbols = {
audio_controls = {
play = "\16",
pause = "\19",
forward = "\16",
backward = "\17",
full_back = "\171"
app_controls = {
up = "\30",
down = "\31",
download = "\25",
play = "\16"
misc = {
music = "\15",
-- Draw a spinner loop at a specified position. Useful for waitForAny.
function api.spinner_loop(x, y, spin_monitor)
local spin_chars = {
local index = 1
while true do
spin_monitor.setCursorPos(x, y)
index = index + 1
if index > #spin_chars then index = index - #spin_chars end
Function to create simple progress bars of any length.
size - length of the bar in pixels, taken, max - ratio of the bar that should be full.
There is an ability to set custom symbols for full and empty pixels,
however it is not necessary and by default the program uses '#' and '.' for these
function api.make_progressbar(size, taken, max, char_full, char_empty)
Maths behind the function are quite simple:
taken/max = x/size
taken * size = x * max
x = taken * size / max
local full_symbol, empty_symbol = char_full or '#', char_empty or '.'
size = size - 2 -- make space for "[" and "]"
local progress = math.floor(size * taken / max)
local hash = (full_symbol):rep(progress)
local dots = (empty_symbol):rep(size - progress)
return ("[" .. hash .. dots .. "]")
local function seconds_to_string(seconds)
-- int to mm:ss
local minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
local seconds = seconds - minutes * 60
return string.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds)
function api.draw_audio_bar(x, y, progress_seconds, track_info, is_paused, monitor)
| Among us soundtrack lol |
| [<] [####........[<]............] [>] |
| 12:43/14:31 |
local x_max, y_max = monitor.getSize()
-- Title
monitor.setCursorPos(x, y)
local title = track_info.title
if #title > x_max - 2 then
title = title:sub(1, x_max - 4) .. ".."
monitor.write((' '):rep(math.floor((x_max - #title) / 2)) .. title .. (' '):rep(math.ceil((x_max - #title) / 2)))
-- Progress bar
monitor.setCursorPos(x, y + 1)
local progress_bar = api.make_progressbar(x_max - 16, progress_seconds, track_info.length)
--monitor.blit(' ' .. seconds_to_string(progress_seconds) .. ' ' .. progress_bar .. ' ' .. seconds_to_string(track_info.length), 'f00000f0' .. ('3'):rep(x_max - 16) .. '0f00000f', ('f'):rep(x_max))
monitor.write(' ' .. seconds_to_string(progress_seconds) .. ' ' .. progress_bar .. ' ' .. seconds_to_string(track_info.length))
-- Controls
local controls = {
is_paused and or api.symbols.audio_controls.pause,
for i, control in ipairs(controls) do
monitor.setCursorPos(x + math.floor((x_max - 11) / 2) + (i - 1) * 4, y + 1)
monitor.write('[' .. control .. ']')
-- Copy of draw_audio_bar, but for when no track is played - just a blank bar.
function api.draw_track_list(x, y, audio_catalogue, start_index, height, monitor)
height = height or select(2, monitor.getSize())
local x_max, y_max = monitor.getSize()
top bar:
"[X] 21:00:01 Tue 12"
-button to close the app
-time and date
bottom bar:
"[up_btn] [down_btn] Showing [current_max_index - list_size]-[current_max_index] of [#audio_catalogue] | [REFRESH]"
-buttons to go up and down the list
-current index and total number of tracks
-button to refresh the list
list items:
"[index] [title] [length] [play_btn] [download_btn]"
-index - number of the track in the list
-title - title of the track
-length - length of the track
-play_btn - button to play the track
-download_btn - button to download the track (not implemented yet)
-- top bar
monitor.setCursorPos(x, y)
local current_time ="%H:%M:%S %b %d")
local exit_btn = "[X]"
monitor.blit(' ' .. exit_btn .. ' ' ..current_time, 'f0e0f00000000f000f00', 'ffffffffffffffffffff')
-- bottom bar
monitor.setCursorPos(x, y + height - 1)
local bottom_btns = '[' .. api.symbols.app_controls.up .. '] [' .. api.symbols.app_controls.down .. ']'
local showing = 'Showing ' .. tostring(start_index) .. '-' .. tostring(start_index + height - 2) .. ' of ' .. tostring(#audio_catalogue)
local refresh_btn = '[REFRESH]'
monitor.blit(' ' .. bottom_btns .. ' ' .. showing .. ' | ' .. refresh_btn, 'f0e0f0b0f' .. ('0'):rep(#showing) .. "f0f033333330", ('f'):rep(#bottom_btns + #showing + #refresh_btn + 5))
-- monitor.write(' ' .. bottom_btns .. ' ' .. showing .. ' | ' .. refresh_btn)
-- list items
-- i should be current_max_index - height - 2 or 1 if current_max_index - height - 2 < 1
for i = start_index, math.min(start_index + height - 2, #audio_catalogue) do
if (y + 1 + i >= y + height - 1) or i > #audio_catalogue then break end
local track = audio_catalogue[i]
local index = tostring(i)
local title = track.title
local length = seconds_to_string(track.length)
local play_btn =
local download_btn =
local list_item = ' ' .. index .. ' ' .. title .. ' ' .. length .. ' ' .. play_btn .. ' ' .. download_btn
monitor.setCursorPos(x, y + 1 + i)
return api