local tardim = peripheral.find("digital_tardim_interface") local screen = peripheral.find("monitor") screen.clear() screen.setCursorBlink(false) screen.setTextScale(0.5) -- 15x24 --[[ ~ Current pos X Y Z Dimension Facing ~ Destination X Y Z Dimension Facing ~ Fuel Remaining Required ]] -- This changes the colors to be like the gruvbox theme local function set_colorscheme(screen) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.red, 0xfb4934) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.blue, 0x83a598) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.green, 0xb8bb26) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.purple, 0xd3869b) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.cyan, 0x8ec07c) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.white, 0xf9f5d7) screen.setPaletteColour(colours.black, 0x1d2021) end local function dim_char(dimension_str) if dimension_str == "minecraft:overworld" then return "OWR" elseif dimension_str == "minecraft:the_nether" then return "NETH" elseif dimension_str == "minecraft:the_end" then return "END" else return "???" end end local function drawPos(screen, pos, screen_y) screen.setCursorPos(1, screen_y) screen.blit("X: " .. pos.pos.x, "e" .. string.rep("0", #tostring(pos.pos.x) + 2), string.rep("f", #tostring(pos.pos.x) + 3)) screen.setCursorPos(1, screen_y + 1) screen.blit("Y: " .. pos.pos.y, "d" .. string.rep("0", #tostring(pos.pos.y) + 2), string.rep("f", #tostring(pos.pos.y) + 3)) screen.setCursorPos(1, screen_y + 2) screen.blit("Z: " .. pos.pos.z, "b" .. string.rep("0", #tostring(pos.pos.z) + 2), string.rep("f", #tostring(pos.pos.z) + 3)) screen.setCursorPos(1, screen_y + 3) screen.write("Dimension: " .. dim_char(pos.dimension), "00000000000111", "ffffffffffffff") screen.setCursorPos(1, screen_y + 4) screen.write("Facing: " .. pos.facing) end set_colorscheme(screen) screen.setCursorPos(1, 1) screen.blit("> TARDIM NAV", "009999990999", "ffffffffffff") while true do screen.setCursorPos(1, 3) local pos = tardim.getCurrentLocation() screen.write("> Current pos") drawPos(screen, pos, 4) local dest = tardim.getTravelLocation() screen.setCursorPos(1, 10) screen.write("> Destination") drawPos(screen, dest, 11) local fuel = tardim.getFuel() screen.setCursorPos(1, 17) screen.write("> Fuel") screen.setCursorPos(1, 18) screen.write("REM.: " .. fuel .. "/100") screen.setCursorPos(1, 19) local Required = tardim.calculateFuelForJourney() screen.write("REQ.: " .. Required) screen.setCursorPos(1, 20) screen.blit("ENOUGH: " .. (fuel >= Required and "YES" or "NO "), "00000000" .. (fuel >= Required and "ddd" or "eee"), "ffffffff" .. (fuel >= Required and "fff" or "fff")) local inFlight = tardim.isInFlight() screen.setCursorPos(1, 22) screen.blit("IN FLIGHT: " .. (inFlight and "YES" or "NO "), "00000000000" .. (inFlight and "ddd" or "eef"), "fffffffffff" .. (inFlight and "fff" or "fff")) end